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Giving Tuesday!

We have a lot to be thankful for in 2024!  First, and most important, is this great community of people who enjoy riding bikes on our great trails!  Second is the landowners that let us use and share the land for our sport.  Third, our volunteers that build and maintain the trails cannot be thanked enough! 

This year we have approved trail plans in Washington County at Heritage Trails and have submitted a plan to Milwaukee County.  This means, if we raise enough volunteer time and money, we will be building new trails in the next twelve months. 

To that end, we ask you to donate to the MetroMTB Giving Tuesday campaign, between now and December 3rd.  Need an incentive?  We have a $2000 matching donation for the first $2000 raised.

Please check with your employers to see if they will match your donation to double your gift.

Thank you very much for you consideration and support!

Happy Trails!

The MetroMTB Board

If you need additional information for corporate matching campaigns, please contact us or find us at  

you prefer to contribute via check, please send contributions to: Metro Mountain Bikers , c/o John Slawny, Treasurer,   4331 Timber Drive, Colgate WI 53017. 

Donation goal

Collected: $2,726.00
Goal: $5,000.00
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